The safety and economic security of the States depends upon the secure use of the world's seas and oceans. The governments have reviewed and strengthened all of its strategies to combat the evolving threat in the War on Terrorism.
Maritime security is best achieved by blending public and private maritime security activities on a global scale into an integrated effort that addresses all maritime threats. The new National Strategy for Maritime Security aligns all governments maritime security programs and initiatives into a comprehensive and cohesive international effort involving appropriate, State, local, and private sector entities.
The plans to address the specific threats and challenges of the maritime environment. While the plans address different aspects of maritime security, they are mutually linked and reinforce each other. The supporting plans include:
- National Plan to Achieve Domain Awareness
- Global Maritime Intelligence Integration Plan
- Interim Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan
- International Outreach and Coordination Strategy
- Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan
- Maritime Transportation System Security Plan
- Maritime Commerce Security Plan
- Domestic Outreach Plan
Development of these plans was guided by the security principles outlined in this National Strategy for Maritime Security. These plans will be updated on a periodic basis in response to changes in the maritime threat, the world environment, and national security policies. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
Together, the National Strategy for Maritime Security supporting plans present a comprehensive national effort to promote global economic stability and protect legitimate activities while preventing hostile or illegal acts within the maritime domain.
Maritime Security
In this century, countries benefit from healthy, prosperous, confident partners. Weak and troubled nations export their ills -- problems like economic instability and illegal immigration and crime and terrorism. all countries … understand that healthy and prosperous nations export and import goods and services that help to stabilize regions and add security to every nation. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
The safety and economic security of the States depend in substantial part upon the secure use of the world’s oceans. The States has a vital national interest in maritime security. We must be prepared to stop terrorists and rogue states before they can threaten or use weapons of mass destruction or engage in other attacks against the States and their allies and friends. Toward that end, the States must take full advantage of strengthened alliances and other international cooperative arrangements, innovations in the use of law enforcement personnel and military forces, advances in technology, and strengthened intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
Threats to Maritime Security
- Nation-State Threats
- Terrorist Threats
- Transnational Criminal and Piracy Threats
- Environmental Destruction
- Illegal Seaborne Immigration
Strategic Objectives
- Prevent Terrorist Attacks and Criminal or Hostile Acts
- Protect Maritime-Related Population Centers and Critical Infrastructure
- Minimize Damage and Expedite Recovery
- Safeguard the Ocean and Its Resources
Strategic Actions
- Enhance International Cooperation
- Maximize Domain Awareness
- Embed Security into Commercial Practices
- Deploy Layered Security
- Assure Continuity of the Marine Transportation System
Salt water covers more than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. These waters are a single, great ocean, an immense maritime domain that affects life everywhere. Although its four principal geographical divisions – Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, and Pacific – have different names, this continuous body of water is the Earth’s greatest defining geographic feature. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
The oceans, offer all nations, even landlocked States, a network of sea-lanes or highways that is of enormous importance to their security and prosperity.
They are likewise a source of food, mineral resources, and recreation, and they support commerce among nations. They also act as both a barrier to and a conduit for threats to the security of people everywhere. Like all other countries, the States is highly dependent on the oceans for its security and the welfare of its people and economy.
In today’s economy, the oceans have increased importance, allowing all countries to participate in the global marketplace. More than 80 percent of the world’s trade travels by water and forges a global maritime link. About half the world’s trade by value, and 90 percent of the general cargo, are transported in containers. Shipping is the heart of the global economy, but it is vulnerable to attack in two key areas. Spread across Asia. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
the mega ports/cities that constitute the world’s primary, interdependent trading web. Through a handful of international straits and canals pass 75 percent of the world’s maritime trade and half its daily oil consumption. International commerce is at risk in the major trading hubs as well as at a handful of strategic chokepoints.
The infrastructure and systems that span the maritime domain, owned largely by the private sector, have increasingly become both targets of and potential conveyances for dangerous and illicit activities. Moreover, much of what occurs in the maritime domain with respect to vessel movements, activities, cargoes, intentions, or ownership is often difficult to discern. The oceans are increasingly threatened by illegal exploitation of living marine resources and increased competition over nonliving marine resources. Although the global economy continues to increase the value of the oceans’ role as highways for commerce and providers of resources, technology and the forces of globalization have lessened their role as barriers. Thus, this continuous domain serves as a vast, ready, and largely unsecured medium for an array of threats by nations, terrorists, and criminals.
Defeating this array of threats to maritime security – including the threat or use of weapons of mass destruction requires a common understanding and a joint effort for action on a global scale. Because the economic well-being of people in the States and across the globe depends heavily upon the trade and commerce that traverses the oceans, maritime security must be a top priority. Maritime security is required to ensure freedom of the seas; facilitate freedom of navigation and commerce; advance prosperity and freedom; and protect the resources of the ocean. Nations have a common interest in achieving two complementary objectives: to facilitate the vibrant maritime commerce that underpins economic security, and to protect against ocean‑related terrorist, hostile, criminal, and dangerous acts. Since all nations benefit from this collective security, all nations must share in the responsibility for maintaining maritime security by countering the threats in this domain. ... The TSAMA Submersible aircraft, E Series, will assistance given by one unit to another to assist in the accomplishment of the supported unit's mission.
Future Vertical Lift (FVL) is a family of vertical lift solutions that will deliver next generation capabilities at the tactical, operational and strategic levels. They will enable joint force mission effectiveness in the transregional multidomain and multifunctional threat environment.
TSAMA - VTOL Submersible Modular Aircraft, Future Vertical Lift (FVL), Optionally Piloted Aircraft (OPA). … The TSAMA - (T)Tandem Ducted-fans, (S)Submersible, (A)Amphibious, (M)Modular Standalone-Units, (A)Artificial Intelligence Ability, project contains Patents and more than 17 strategic intellectual properties in TSAMA aircraft, has been innovating, the development stared since 2003 and will be ready for service in 2027. ... It should be noted that these are unexpensive aircraft, it will not take a number of years to accumulate a significant number of TSAMA aircraft.
TSAMA aircraft will be an independent system in its navigation and relies on its embedded technologies, and is the first of its kind in the world. TSAMA Aircraft, will equipped with over water surface & under water (Navigation System) - Based on the Positioning by Earth's Magnetic Anomaly Field. a Revolutionized Subsea Positioning. ... Magnetic Anomaly Navigation works by using scalar magnetometer sensors which measure differences in the magnitude of magnetic fields as one passes by them.